Thursday, 21 January 2016


We hope you enjoy looking at our joint group blog, and the journey we took to deliver our main and ancillary products.

please use the navigational search bar located to your right, or equally use the label cloud to refine your search too. 

Thank you,

Sachin, Michael, Max and Milo.

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Final Advert and Inslip - Max

Final Digipak - Max

Digipak Changes from Draft to Final - Michael

 This was my first completed draft. Originally I was pleased with this as I liked the continuity throughout. From feedback I received I was pleased with people's initial reactions. Many people commented on the  photography and said the inner stretched out photo worked very well alongisde the front cover. I also received a comment that stated the change in colour between the black and white collage and the inner two panels worked well. as it was a nice blend. 
 In my second draft, I decided I wasn't fond of the use of the collage as I believed it looked messy and less professional than it could, so I got rid of it and took another photo that fitted in and had a similar style to the photo on the first inside panel. Many people told me they liked this photo and it suited the overall digipak much more than the collage and that the layout still worked well.

In my third and final draft I decided to keep the same photo that I used in the second on the right inside panel. However, I also decided that this didn't fit with the theme that had continued throughout the rest of the digipak, as only one person is present in the picture. To fix this issue I went into Photoshop and duplicated the first figure. This then meant my final digipak was consistent, clean and appeared professional throughout. 

Final Digipak and Magazine Advert - Michael

Magazine Advert Changes from Draft to Final - Michael

Even when creating my first draft I was aware that I wanted to make a obvious visual link between my album cover and the advert that I would create. I decided I would do this by incorporating the image used on the front cover  onto the magazine advert. In my first draft i decided to put the image in the middle of a white border and used the band's name as a visual statement by making it bold, black and by locating it at the top of the poster. Originally I liked this advert as I believed it looked clean and simple but I was recommended, through feedback from a friend, to try a different design as this one may not look as good in a magazine, as the white border makes the page appear smaller.

In my second draft included all the same information, but instead of keeping the same layout, I moved it around. I focused the majority of the white space on the image and only left a small rectangular shape at the bottom for the text and information to go. I also made the band's name a lot more predominant by changing the color of the name and putting it over a black background. I did this as the band's name is very important as people will need to remember it i it is to be advertised properly.

In my final draft I left everything the same as the previous, except for the colour at the bottom of the advert. It was suggested to me by a friend that I make this section of the poster black to make the white text pop even more than it did before. I tried this and kept this idea as I believed that it made it look as if the over image was carried on and the space beneath the two figures was a lot larger, further adding to the desired professional appearance.

The final changes I made to my magazine advert were minimal. I removed one of the star ratings as I believed it looked a little clustered. As well as this i simply changed the names of the companies that had given ratings. I decided that the previous names didn't fit into the correct genre, so entered magazines and companies that did. 

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Final Evaluation Question 1 // Sachin Mistry

In AS media one of out tasks where to create a magazine cover, contents and double page spread. I have decided to present question 1 as a double page spread. 



Evaluation question 1: Double page spread

Final Evaluation Question 2 // Sachin Mistry

For my final evaluation question 2 I have presented my answer on Pinterest.

The picture is a link which leads to my Pinterest account which contains the answer  to my Evaluation Question 2.

Or optionally read it below.

Final Evaluation Question 3 // Sachin Mistry

For my third evaluation question, I have created two video with my answers.

Part 1: - This is my full evaluation answer which I did a voice over for over our music video.

Part 2: - I conducted an interview with my target audience.

Final Evaluation Question 4 // Sachin Mistry

For the final evaluation question I presented the answer on my own website, please click on the link below to access the website.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Evaluation Question 1- Milo O'Mahoney

Evaluation Question 2- Milo O'mahoney

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The combination of my ancillary texts (my digipak and magazine advert) started off rough and vague for I had not used the same photo for my advert and album cover so they had virtually no similarities.

This is because I did the two separately with two completely different 'visions' of what I wanted each product to look like. Feedback that I received also outlined that, as I decided not to include the name of the album on the cover, so I could not then intentionally emphasis a difference as an alternative feature because the two products could not be recognized as related to each other. If you saw the advert in a magazine then the album cover online or in a shop you wouldn't think they were the same the product. This is the main reason why I changed the photo on the advert to the one I used as my cover and then I made some minor adjustments to the photo I had set as my cover.  

Since I made the adjustments, I believe that the consistency and overall effectiveness of my ancillary texts has greatly improved. Not only do the two products match each other, but I also believe that the overall quality of the texts has increased simply due to a better image on the magazine advert and a better layout on the digipak.

One example of consistent ancillary texts could be 'the 1975' by the 1975. Both their album cover and magazine advert were of the same design and featured a black rectangle with a border of white light leaning against a wall with "THE1975" in a strange font in the middle. This is the same for any poster or magazine advert and is now instantly recognizable.

Evaluation Question 3- Milo O'Mahoney

Evaluation Question 4- Milo O'Mahoney

Monday, 4 January 2016

Draft Evaluation Question 4 - Max

Evaluation Question 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Research and planning
During my research and planning the task were very dependent on the technology I had used. I used many different platforms to complete the various tasks I was set, these ranged from programmes on computers to reading through magazines to fins different images. Google was the search engine I used most as it is very reliable, I used this to find images for my creative journey which eventually led to my final advert and digipak. From Google I was able to use different websites that helped in research and planning. I used UK tribes to find what the target market was for my digipak and advert as well as my group’s music video. This helped as it allowed us to get a clear understanding on what they liked and disliked also the style of clothing they would wear. I also used YouTube to look at music videos that my group and I liked s that we could get a good understanding at how they are shot and what type of shots work well for the music video we filmed. The magazine I looked at for inspiration on my front cover of my digipak was Fader, I like the style that Fader uses by having a bold image on the front to catch the eye of readers. I used blogger to post updates on my work, for example I posted all of my research and planning on this. Blogger is very easy to use and by using tags allows someone on my blog to find a specific piece of work that either I have done or somebody in my group.

Ancillary Tasks
I used Photoshop CC and C36 to create my digipak and advert, this software was very easy to use as the layout was simple also if I could not find anything, due to it being a very well-known software I could research how to use different aspects of it. To get the template or my digipak I downloaded a 4 panel template from disk wizard, and then I imported it onto Photoshop which then allowed me to alter the size to get the correct fit. On this software I created and edited my digipak and advert, this worked very well as it enabled me to do anything to my images to make them suit the band. The research and planning stage helped my knowledge of real media products that worked, having looked at lots of different styles of advert and digipak I was able to identify trends that worked and ones that didn’t, this allowed me to create a piece of work that

In the pre-production of my digipak and advert I used various types of platforms to get images and information to be explained in my research and planning. I used platforms such as Google and Google Images. Using Google this allowed me to search the internet for information that could go into my research and planning; also from this I could use Blogger which is what I posted all of my work onto. During pre-production my group produced a story board which consisted of the various shots that we would use during the filming of our music video as well as an animatic which was a picture video of the story =board to show what it would look like. To create the storyboard we used hand drawn images and little text to get the bases of our music video. To create our animatic we used Final Cut Pro X on the Apple IMac as this was the best software to edit on.
During the production of our media products we used a large amount of technology that enabled us to complete tasks. To begin with we used a Panasonic HC-V700, however after reviewing some of the videos we had taken, we realised that the image quality was not to a high enough standard, therefore we decided to change to a Nikon D7200 and a Canon 100D to film our music video, this proved to be the correct choice to make as the quality of the videos were far better than the Panasonic. The decision to use two cameras went down to not having enough free time together as a group and with the actors. Me being in the music video meant that I could not film any of the shots myself, however the people that did film took into account my suggestions on various shots that we took, this meant I had the same impact as them of shots. During production we set up a group chat on an app called ‘Whatsapp’ this made it easier to communicate with each other when we weren’t together, also we could get each other’s feedback on different posts which was very helpful.

In the post-production stage as a group we sat and edited it together, this meant that if one group member was not keen on one of the shot placements they could say and suggest a replacement. We used Final Cut Pro X to edit our work as this was the best option on the school computers. In this software we used different effects and techniques to edit the video. Clipping was used the most as it allowed us to cut down different sections of the video to make it fit. This was the most important software we used as it was to edit our music video, the other option we could have used was Adobe Premiere Pro; however we chose to use Final Cut Pro X as it felt a lot easier to edit.

We also used other types of technology that helped in many areas, we set up a twitter account that we posted on occasionally with updates of filming and editing process. We also used Vimeo to upload or music video due to copyright reasons on YouTube. 

Draft Evaluation Question 3 - Max

Question 3: What have you learned from audience feedback?

During the process of creating a magazine advert, digipak, and music video audience feedback has played a pivotal role in how I have designed my pieces of work. After posting a draft of a piece of work I would then get comments on parts that the audience liked and disliked.

Pitch: Feedback was first given on the pitch we as a group created to explain what style we were going to follow throughout the process. By getting feedback on this part of the course it allowed us to then edit parts that out target audience may not like, for example: 

Feedback such as the one above helped us a lot as we could get an understanding of what worked well and things that needed improvement. We also presented the pitches in class so that if anybody had any questions regarding the contents we could answer them. A benefit of getting feedback from people in our class is that due to them being in our target audience’s age this gave us more of an insight into what their likes and dislikes were.

Digipak: The next piece of work we had our classmates give feedback on was our first draft of the digipak and in-slip. These were the first pieces of work that we had done individually therefore feedback was very important. I got comments on a blog post from the people in my class this helped as it meant that I could look upon these regularly to remember what they had said, also I got feedback from my media studies teacher on a printed out version of my digipak. This was very helpful as it also meant that I could look at this if I am stuck. My media teacher, however he does not fit into the target market of this project, due to his knowledge of the subject I took his feedback the most seriously.

This comment from Millie was one of the most helpful as she told me what she liked for example the colour scheme, also she has told me that could do with improving such as the inside left panel explaining that it could do with something on it. As well as doing that Millie has also suggested to me what she would do if it were her work. This helped a lot as being in my target market Millie’s opinion was valuable. All of the comments I got on my digipak helped as they each influenced my decision of what to create. All other comments can be found on my blog with the heading of ‘Feedback on Digipak’.

Advert: The same as my digipak I got feedback from classmates who commented on my blog post as well as the feedback from my media teacher. This comment from a person in my class stood out to me as the most helpful, this was mainly due to the clear things he liked and what could do with improving. Comments like Nathan’s were very useful as it meant that the changes I could make will make my work more professional. All other comments can be found on a previous blog post named 'Feedback on Advert'.

Music Video: This was the final piece of this project. For this piece of work my group was given personal feedback from our teacher along the process of filming and editing our music video, this was very helpful as it meant that if we had shot a scene poorly we had time to rethink and re-film parts of it. We did not receive any feedback from people in our class however I feel that the comments made by our teacher had enough influence on us.

Draft Evaluation Question 2 - Max

I believe that the combination between our music video and my ancillary texts is well done. When creating my digipak and advert I thought about the music video and how they would link together.
As when we took the photos for my digipak and advert we had already created our storyboard, this meant I could take ideas form the storyboard and recreate similar effects in a photo. An example of this is when the actor in the music video is sat on a bed with a grey background; I replicated this to a degree as on my front cover I have the band members stood in front of a dirty white backdrop, as well as on the background of my advert I attempted to get the closest colour to the back ground of the image.
 Also on the inside panels of my digipak I had an image of a blurry fire which went very well with style of the music video as it is very similar to images on the video. I used the same image for the front of my digipak and on my advert as I felt that having that link between them will make it easier for someone looking to associate the two pieces ancillary texts.

The overall style I went for in my ancillary texts was very similar to our music video as the main theme of the video was dark and depressing however there were little segments of happiness. I tried to make my ancillary texts very dark to match the video, I did this by editing the images to make them look a little darker however was still easy to see the image, also the inside panels are from the music video.

Draft Evaluation Question 1 - Max

Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

When creating my groups music video and my own digipak and advert, research and planning had a huge influence on the design I would go with. I would take inspiration from professional music videos, album adverts and digipaks.

Digipak: My first insight into the design I wanted my digipak to look like was one of the Pet Shop Boys albums from 1987 ‘Actually’. I liked this album cover as it was very simple, this was the design I went with throughout the project. In the Pet Shop Boys album they’re dressed in suits, this was the only difference between mine and their album cover. I chose to use different clothes as I wanted the album to have a modern look to it. The positioning of the text was actually an idea one of my classmates had, they commented on my draft post with ideas of improvement. I have altered the text on my front cover compared to the Pet Shop Boy’s album as I felt that this looked better as above the head of the artists there was not much space therefore it looked squashed in. I chose to have one member of the band slightly in front of the other as he is the lead singer in the music video; I wanted to make it clear that he was the lead.

Advert: When creating my advert I analysed a wide variety of adverts for albums as well as music magazine covers. Whilst researching the already existing album adverts I found that a common theme between them was that they would use the front cover of the digipak as the main image and then have the text around, after looking around for more inspiration I found that this looked the most professional and therefore went for this style. Also I chose to look at music magazine covers as well due to me wanting to widen the genres of music I would look at. Looking at music magazine helped me as I looked into best-selling music magazine such as NME and Q magazine; these showed me what caught readers eyes and therefore what would stand out. As well as this they further developed my knowledge of where to position the text depending on different front covers. I went for a very simplistic style as after looking at many advert I found that these, in a way, stood out the most.

Music Video: When doing research into the type of music video we would create my group and I looked at many videos in the genre that we were going for; this meant that we could see how different bands would style themselves and the type of shots that worked during different emotional parts of the song. We looked at the original song music video by Amber Run as this gave us more of an insight into the emotion behind the song and the underlying message. We decided to shoot a sad music video as, after watching many of Amber Run’s music videos for other songs, we found that they created music videos that were very heavyhearted. We also looked at songs that were classed as the same genre as ‘Spark’, this helped as we found how many other music videos were shot and the style.