Friday 18 September 2015

Weekly Update #2 - (14/09/15 - 18/09/15)

This week I would say that we have been very productive, as we finalised the name of our band, which was the focus over the weekend. This is because last week we came up with the band logo but wasn't sure on the band name, as we weren't sure whether it matched our genre of music and the style we are going for.

The pitch was also a main priority, as we had to be ready by the end of the week so that we could present our idea to the rest of the class. We used an online service called Animoto which helped us create a short little video explaining our music video idea, our audience we are aiming for and the style of our video. This was a big task because we had to think ahead slightly to make sure that we have all the details of our music video.

We organised a photo shoot for our band members as a test to see if the people we have selected to be featured in our band, suit the role or not. we were originally going for a four people band , but the we decided to have a duet instead.

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