Sunday 22 November 2015

Creative Journey - Max

1. This was my first inspiration or my final piece. I really like the simplicity of the artwork and how the band members are facing the camera. Also the placement of the band name I liked.

2. My next piece was instead of having someone look at the camera I could go for something different from the majority, I decided that having the back of the heads would look good.

3. I kept looking the same artist has he had done many photo shoots in the style that I was a fan of, this is where I got the idea of using a plain background to take the photos on.

4. After looking at different styles of the images I liked, I decided to not use an image of the backs of the artist’s heads as it does not look professional, instead I went for a face on image of both the artists staring at the camera.

5. I got inspiration to use a blank background of one solid colour from this. Although it is not an album cover I took a look at photo shoots and magazine covers or inspiration.

6. I was contemplating using a black and white edit on my cover image, after much consideration I decided not to go with it as it did not look professional also it did not suit the pictures I had taken.

7. This image I liked as it was almost exactly what I wanted mine to look like, however the colours were too bright. The artist is staring blankly at the camera in a somewhat slumped position.

8. Following on from the previous image I wanted to find something similar to this style. In this image I liked the use of a slid colour being the background as it made the artist stand out more.

9. Whilst looking at similar images to the ones I had looked at before, this was a possibility. I could have changed the colour scheme I would have used to have lots of colour in it; however I chose not to do this in the end as it did not reflect the ideas of our music video.

10. From this cover I was primarily looking at the background, as I had already chosen how my artists were placed. I liked the background of this as it was natural and the band members did not stand out. However I could not find a place in real life that I liked and also the lighting was wrong when taking mine.

11. I thought about having the entire body of my artists in, however after taking a few photos I did not like this as you could not see the artist’s expression on their faces.

12. This was the image that I most liked on my creative journey as it was exactly what I was looking for. This had two artists on a white background, facing the camera with blank expressions on their face. After taking many photos in similar styles to this I finally got one that looked right.

13. This was the first photo I tried as the front cover, I liked this as the lead singer (Left on the image) was looking up and the backing artist (Right on the image) was looking down. However I chose not to use this image as it did not have the background I was looking for.

14. This was another possible cover. I liked this one as it had the right background and having both artists facing the wrong way went against conventions of album covers. After much deliberation I chose not to use this as it did not look professional enough.

15. These were some of the font options I could have used for the text on my digipak. In the end I decided to use the top font as it looked professional and was very easy to read.

16. This was the colour scheme I chose. I decided that grey, white, and black made it look formal and was very clear. During this process I could have change but I thought keeping it simple would suit how I wanted to have the artists standing.

17. This was the end product of my creative journey.  The image I took most of my inspiration from was image 12 as it was what most related to the image I had in my head. Different to 12, I had the artists facing the camera, similar to image 7, as I found this made it somewhat personal between the person looking at the cover and the artists. The text was placed where it as it does not take anything away from the image however it still stands out as the black text is on a white background and the white text on a dark background.

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